photo of Isabella Salgado with AOC Isabella Salgado
ASCE member Isabella Salgado, left, met one of her heroes, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at the 2024 ASCE Legislative Fly-In.

“We all want to do something that matters,” Isabella Salgado says.

She is a civil engineer for the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering and the social activities chair for the ASCE Los Angeles Younger Member Forum.

And one way she’s found recently to connect to something larger is advocating for the profession as part of the ASCE Legislative Fly-In.

In episode 159 of ASCE Plot Points, Salgado talks about her eye-opening trip to Washington, D.C. (including meeting one of her idols), and how she’s following in the footsteps of her civil engineering mother, Minerva Rodriguez.

Listen to the episode above, and subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts.