Training workshops for local ASCE leaders in public relations (PR) and government relations (GR) activities.

These 90-minute (online) or half-day (in-person) programs give ASCE groups a "crash course" in interacting with the media and/or elected officials. Both PR University and GR University workshops are free of charge and ASCE staff can travel to the section or branch hosting the training. ASCE can also provide these workshops in a virtual format.

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Government Relations University

Member price: FREE*

If the training will be held in-person, ASCE GRII will cover the cost of travel for the ASCE GRII staff trainer. Room rentals and planned catering would be the responsibility of the section and/or branch. 

Instructor(s): ASCE's Government Relations & Infrastructure Initiatives (GRII) staff

ASCE’s GRII Team has shared experiences in federal, state, and local government advocacy, public and media relations, grassroots advocacy and the development of reports that inform key decision makers and the public at large. A speaker will be assigned to your program to assess your desired learning objectives and outcomes and lead the training.

Purpose & background

"Is ASCE allowed to lobby legislators?", "How do I invite an elected official to my section meeting?" Learn the answers to these and many more questions on how your region, section, or branch can better influence policy debates. This program will help guide your section or branch to expand ASCE's government relations presence at the local and state levels. For half-day programs, ASCE GRII staff will work with your section and/or branch to build out an in-depth agenda about how government relations work is undertaken at your state capitol. This program may also be combined with Public Relations University to provide further emphasis on communications skills.

Learning outcomes

After completing this training, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify ASCE's legislative priorities and the resources available to advance the Society's position
  • Determine the best method to communicate with policymakers to achieve a desired outcome
  • Build a persuasive narrative to influence lawmakers - storytelling for advocacy
  • Apply basic lobbying/advocacy strategies to elevate the Society's position
  • Elevate the importance of public policy at the region, section, branch level
  • Follow and communicate ASCE's government relations protocol

Public Relations University

Member price: FREE* 

If the training will be held in-person, ASCE GRII will cover the cost of travel for the ASCE GRII staff trainer. Room rentals and planned catering would be the responsibility of the section and/or branch. 

Instructor(s): ASCE's Government Relations & Infrastructure Initiatives (GRII) staff 

ASCE’s GRII Team has shared experiences in federal, state, and local government advocacy, public and media relations, grassroots advocacy and the development of reports that inform key decision makers and the public at large. A speaker will be assigned to your program to assess your desired learning objectives and outcomes and lead the training. 

Purpose & background

Public Relations University offers sections and branches an interactive workshop as an introduction to public relations and a how-to for working with the media. The training prepares ASCE members to successfully promote the profession to the media by covering topics including public affairs, the importance of messaging, how to interview with a reporter, and the principles of communication.

*This program may also be combined with Government Relations University to provide further emphasis on how to use communications skills with policymakers at all levels of government.

Learning outcomes

After completing this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify when an event/activity is newsworthy and how to champion it to news sources.
  • Engage a reporter with confidence to deliver ASCE's message clearly and concise.
  • Use the basic principles of communication to successfully promote the profession and advocate for infrastructure needs.
  • Follow and communicate ASCE's media relations protocol.

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