The official nominees for ASCE 2022 president-elect, as selected by the Society’s Board of Direction Nominating Committee, are Maria Lehman, P.E., ENV SP, F.ASCE, and Peter M. Moore, P.E., ENV SP, LEED AP, F.ASCE.
The ASCE election opens May 1 with online ballots accepted through June 1.
The election winner will be inducted as the 2022 president-elect at the Society’s annual business meeting during the ASCE 2021 Convention in October, before serving as Society president in 2023.

Maria Lehman
Lehman has nearly four decades of multidisciplinary experience in transportation and facilities engineering, including her current position as the director of U.S. Infrastructure for GHD, leadership roles at Parsons, and terms as chief operations officer and interim executive director for the New York State Thruway Authority.
She serves on the ASCE Board of Direction as treasurer, marking her fourth stint on the Board (assistant treasurer, 2018-2020, Zone 1 vice president, 2001-2003, and District 1 director, 1993-1996). Also a member of ASCE’s Industry Leaders Council, Lehman’s many past ASCE commitments include three years on the Environmental and Water Resources Institute Board of Governors, serving a second term on the Committee on America’s Infrastructure, a variety of other Society-level committees, and five years of officer service to the Buffalo Section.
“My experience has taught me how to see a better future, and to transfer that knowledge to younger engineers. I believe that ‘If it ain’t broke, break it. There is a better way to build it,’” Lehman said in her nominee’s vision statement. “Civil engineers are currently at an inflection point; the confluence of crisis: health, economic, and infrastructure. We need to stand united to revolutionize our industry to meet our future world vision.”

Peter Moore
Moore has nearly 25 years of engineering experience, working both domestically and internationally. He is currently the president of Chen Moore and Associates, a statewide consulting firm in Florida.
Moore served on the ASCE Board of Direction as the Region 5 director, 2017-2020, as well as on many Society-level committees over the years, including the Program and Finance Committee, Committee on Education, and Committee on Younger Members. He also is a member of the ASCE Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute’s board of governors. Locally, he served in all officer positions for both the Broward Branch and Florida Section.
“My vision is a simple three-pronged approach – accountability, advocacy and accessibility,” Moore said in his nominee’s vision statement. “Accountability is a fundamental tenet of the engineering profession as we apply our skills towards the overall public good. Advocacy is the only way that … civil engineering will achieve the prominence that is required to properly execute our duties. And the future of the engineering profession will be incredibly diverse and the key to keep different perspectives; it is critical that the profession be accessible to everyone.”
Learn more about each official nominee and the ASCE election.