The 2021 ASCE Election opens Saturday, May 1, topped by a vote on the 2022 Society president-elect race, featuring official nominees Maria C. Lehman, P.E., ENV SP, F.ASCE, and Peter M. Moore, P.E., ENV SP, LEED AP, F.ASCE.

In addition to the annual slate of director and governor nominees, this year’s ballot includes a proposed constitutional amendment granting student members voting rights. It requires two-thirds approval by voting members in the election to go into effect.

ASCE’s election provider, Survey and Ballot Systems, will send an email to eligible voters on May 1 announcing the election.

Members will be able to vote at using their ASCE username and password. Voting closes at 6 p.m. EDT, Tuesday, June 1.  For more information about the 2021 election, including a complete ballot, visit the ASCE website or email Patty Montgomery.

2021 ASCE Election Ballot:

President-Elect Official Nominees (select one)

Maria C. Lehman, P.E., ENV SP, F.ASCE

Peter M. Moore, P.E., ENV SP, LEED AP, F.ASCE

Technical Region Director Official Nominees (select one)

Daniel F. Becker, M.ASCE

Yinhai Wang, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE


Region 1 Governor Official Nominees (select two)

Craig F. Ruyle, P.E., M.ASCE

Beth Ann Smith, P.E., BCEE, M.ASCE


Region 2 Governor Official Nominees (select one)

John Caperilla, EIT, A.M.ASCE

Patrick J. Sullivan Jr., P.E., M.ASCE


Region 3 Director Official Nominee (select one)

Kenneth R. Mika, P.E., M.ASCE

Region 3 Governor Official Nominees (select one)

Joshua D. Harken, P.E., M.ASCE

Jesse D. Jefferson, P.E., PTOE, M.ASCE


Region 4 Director Official Nominees (select one)

Findlay G. Edwards, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, BCEE, F.ASCE

J.P. Mohsen, Ph.D., F.ASCE

Region 4 Governor Official Nominees (select two)

Colette Easter, P.E., M.ASCE

Maneesh Krishnan, P.E., M.ASCE


Region 5 Governor Official Nominees (select two)

Robert L. Jackson, P.E., M.ASCE

Bradley M. Williams, P.E., M.ASCE


Region 6 Governor Official Nominees (select two)

Sonya Leigh Cooper, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE

Lawrence D. Goldberg, P.E., ENV SP, F.ASCE


Region 7 Governor Official Nominees (select two)

Molly K. Bennett, A.M.ASCE

Jennifer Jacka-Taylor, P.E., ENV SP, M.ASCE


Region 8 Director Official Nominees (select two)

Lawrence M. Magura, P.E., D.WRE(Ret.), F.ASCE

Chris “Shoots” Veis, P.E., M.ASCE

Region 8 Governor Official Nominees (select two)

Virginia J. Groeschel, A.M.ASCE

Robert B. Turner, P.E., F.ASCE


Region 9 Governor Official Nominee (select one)

Patricia “Tricia” McColl, P.E., M.ASCE


Region 10 Governor Official Nominees (select two)

Sandip Kumar Deb, M.ASCE

Kamal Laksiri, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE

Saliu A. Lawal, C.Eng, M.ASCE


The ASCE Board of Direction received for first consideration and discussion at its July 2020 meeting a Constitutional amendment that would allow ASCE student members the right to vote. As required by the governing documents, the amendment was presented for second reading consideration at the October 2020 meeting. The Board of Direction approved the amendment by two-thirds vote and recommends approval by the Society’s membership.

The amended Constitutional language is as follows:

2.0 Grades and Qualifications. Membership in the Society is available worldwide to civil engineers, civil engineering students, and other persons similarly qualified in another branch of engineering or in an allied profession. The voting membership grades of the Society shall be Student Member, Affiliate Member, Associate Member, Member, Fellow, Distinguished Member, and President-Emeritus. The non-voting membership grade of the Society shall be Student Member. The rights, privileges, responsibilities, and qualifications of membership shall be set forth in the Society’s bylaws and/or other appropriate governing documents.