ASCE members will get to choose between two dedicated members who have recently served as directors on ASCE’s board, each seeking to become the Society’s 2023 president-elect and 2024 president.
Marsia Geldert-Murphey, P.E., F.ASCE, and Peter M. Moore, P.E., ENV SP, LEED AP, F.ASCE, are the official nominees as approved by the Board of Direction Nominating Committee.
The ASCE election opens May 1 with online ballots accepted through June 1.
ASCE will induct the election winner as the 2023 president-elect at the Society’s annual business meeting during the ASCE 2022 Convention in October in Anaheim, California.

Marsia Geldert-Murphey
Specializing in transportation and geotechnical engineering, Geldert-Murphey currently works for the Lochmueller Group, a Midwestern consulting firm, where she is the regional director for the states of Missouri and Illinois. She has three decades of experience in civil engineering and construction.
An ASCE member since 1990, Geldert-Murphey is the current chair of the Public Policy and Practice Committee. She served on the ASCE Board of Direction from 2016-2019 as the Region 7 director. Her extensive ASCE activities includes service on several Society-level committees such as program and finance, leader training, and diversity and women, as well as serving as a mentor. She also led the St. Louis Section as president in 2006.
“I have had the honor and privilege of providing service to ASCE in a variety of ways on student chapter, geographic unit, and society levels,” Geldert-Murphey said in her nominee’s vision statement. “My vision of service as the leader of ASCE truly is in alignment with the Society’s purpose, vision, mission, and strategic goals. In fact, my vision is as easy as A-S-C-E: A – Advocacy, S – Service, C – Competence, E – Engagement. … I believe ASCE must focus not only on the value we bring to our members but also on the ease and simplicity with which that value is conveyed, received, navigated, and experienced.”

Peter M. Moore
Moore has 25 years of engineering experience, working both domestically and internationally. He is currently the president of Chen Moore and Associates, a statewide consulting firm in Florida.
Moore served on the ASCE Board of Direction as the Region 5 director, 2017-2020, as well as on many Society-level committees over the years, including program and finance, education, and younger members. He also is a member of the ASCE Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute’s board of governors. Locally, he served in all officer positions for both the Broward Branch and Florida Section.
“I’ve learned a great deal in my career, through successful ideas and, even more, through my failures, and I’d like to be able to share these lessons with the larger ASCE,” Moore said in his nominee’s vision statement. “I’ve been a leader in many nonprofit organizations and have served as a CEO in my engineering firm for 14 years. These experiences are invaluable as ASCE reinvents itself after the pandemic as well. … I am a collaborative person who knows that the decisions made by a larger group always have more traction than those made in a bubble.”
Learn more about each official nominee and the ASCE election.