Resilience is defined as the ability to adapt to and recover from disruptive events. For civil engineers, this applies to the design and construction of buildings and lifeline systems to support a community’s social stability, economic vitality, and environmental sustainability. To help communities and asset resilience projects achieve a balance between analysis and design, the Objective Resilience Committee of ASCE’s Engineering Mechanics Institute sought to provide recommended practices to help enhance the resilience of these projects. The new suite of publications in our series, Manual and Reports on Engineering Practices, Objective Resilience, provides this guidance, to ensure engineers can deliver practical asset and community resilience at reasonable costs. The four related manuals include:
• Objective Resilience: Policies and Strategies, MOP 146, examines policies and strategies related to community and asset resilience. This manual of practice will be of interest to policymakers, owners and managers of civil infrastructures, and legislators (local, state, and federal).
• Objective Resilience: Objective Processes, MOP 147, illustrates some of the objective processes that are used to manage community and asset resilience. This manual will be of particular interest to researchers, educators, engineering consultants, and practitioners.
• Objective Resilience: Technology, MOP 148, examines the use of different technologies to enhance community and asset resilience. Individuals and organizations in the construction, and sensor and monitoring communities, health care facilities, and disaster preparedness and response fields will find this manual of practice a useful guide.
• Objective Resilience: Applications, MOP 149, provides different applications that aim to enhance community and asset resilience from the community viewpoint. The manual of practice will be of interest to groups focusing on pandemic mitigation and response, blast protection, public and private transit organizations, and natural hazards.
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