Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) uses signal conversions to evaluate the properties of a material, component, or system without causing damage. Both NDE and monitoring are used during a building facade inspection and condition assessment to determine the cause of a distress condition and assist in identifying what remedial action is best suited to the situation. These practices are often applied before implementing repair and rehabilitation. 

The authors of a new paper, “Nondestructive Evaluation and Monitoring Methods for Facade Inspection and Conditions Assessment” in the Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, provide an overview of the most frequently used NDE methods for facade inspection and assessment. Jamshid Mohammadi, Anatol Longinow, Dennis K. Johnson, and Nestor R. Iwankiw, developed summary tables that highlight each of the various methods and their applications. Professionals can use the insights outlined in this paper when performing facade inspections. Learn more about their research at The abstract is below.   


Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods are often used as a way of further complementing activities pertaining to facade inspection and condition assessment. Depending on a facade’s condition, type, age, and previous records of distresses, NDE methods may involve laboratory or field testing and detailed visual examinations and observations. In situations where a distress condition progresses with time, monitoring over an extended period of time may be necessary. Monitoring requires installation of measurement devices and gauges to compile an adequate amount of data that may be used to pinpoint the cause and extent of a distress condition in the facade. This paper presents an overview of NDE and monitoring methods in building facade inspection and condition assessment. Summary tables are provided to highlight the type of each method and its applications. These tables are by no means all-inclusive and mainly cover methods that are commonly used in everyday practices.

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