ASCE has honored Andrew S. Whittaker, Ph.D., P.E., S.E., F.SEI, F.ASCE, with the 2023 Nathan M. Newmark Medal for fundamental contributions to earthquake, blast, impact, and performance-based engineering for buildings and mission-critical infrastructure, including advanced nuclear reactors.

Whittaker is a world-renowned researcher and scholar who has made significant contributions to structural mechanics and dynamics that have enhanced our knowledge of the response of structures to dynamic loads, including earthquakes, blast, and impact. His work has significantly impacted the practice of seismic design and blast-resistant design and construction. He is distinguished by his ability to combine analytical, numerical, and experimental methods in investigations that simultaneously develop new knowledge, advance the practice of structural engineering, and improve the safety of our infrastructure.

The Nathan M. Newmark Medal is bestowed upon a member of the Society who, through contributions in structural mechanics, has substantially strengthened the scientific base of structural engineering, these contributions having been made in the form of papers or other written presentations. 
