Narendra A. Patel, P.E., PMP, F.ASCE, an engineer with over 24 years of experience as a senior project manager in civil, environmental, water, and wastewater engineering projects, has been named a fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
Patel works at Fehr Graham & Associates LLC and was formerly at Farnsworth Group Inc. and Foth Infrastructure & Environment LLC. All are in Champaign, Illinois, and overseas. He specializes in the planning, design, permitting, and construction management and administration of wastewater treatment facilities, wastewater collection systems, including sanitary sewers and pump stations, and water treatment facilities and distribution systems, including watermains, booster stations, and storage facilities.
In addition to this expertise, Patel also specializes in the water and sewer user rate studies and IEPA, USDA-RD, and other grant and loan applications as well as providing project management and administration services in support of state revolving loans and grants for various municipalities throughout central Illinois. His industrial wastewater experience includes project management and leading teams through design, permitting, construction management, and start-up efforts for various industrial wastewater pretreatment facilities for numerous manufacturing plants in east central Illinois and surrounding states.
Patel also acts as a client liaison and attends city council / village board meetings of municipal clients on Fehr Graham’s behalf, and is a client liaison for various municipal clients in central Illinois. As well, he participates in company activities involving development of business and clientele.
While maintaining the client interactions, Patel also actively participates in the company’s business development and marketing activities by representing at various trade shows such as WEFTEC, IWEA, ISAWWA–Watercon, and others, and client networking events such as the yearly Illinois Municipal League (IML), quarterly Central Illinois Municipal Officials Association (CIMOA) meetings, and various meetings of local county Chamber of Commerce. He is also presently active as a member of TMDL.
In 2016, Patel received the Special Achievement in Engineering Excellence Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Illinois Chapter for the Village of Mahomet Wastewater Treatment Plant project.
Besides ASCE, he is a member of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers (ISPE), the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), and the Illinois Association of Wastewater Agencies (IAWA), where he serves on state revolving-loan subcommittees.
Patel is a licensed professional engineer registered in Illinois since 2007. He earned a master’s degree in civil/environmental engineering from Bradley University (Illinois) in 2001, and an M.E. in environmental engineering from Maharaja Sayajirao University (India) in 1998, as well as other educational honors.