John T. Kevern, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, a professor of civil engineering and director of the Division of the Natural and Built Environment at the University of Missouri–Kansas City, has been named a fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
Kevern is an executive cabinet member for the Missouri Center for Transportation Innovation. He is an internationally recognized expert on pervious concrete, concrete durability, and nontraditional concrete applications. He has been named one of the top five most influential people in the concrete industry by concrete construction magazine for his work with pervious concrete and is a fellow of ACI.
He is active at TRB and is secretary of ACI committee 522 on pervious concrete. He is also an editor for the ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering and the Journal of Innovative Infrastructure Solutions.
Some of Kevern’s current research topics are evaluation of the effect that anti-icing practices have on concrete durability, quantifying quality curing, implementing low CO2 concrete strategies, biomechanical assessment of pavement slip and fall potential, improving water quality using cement-based filters, and implementation of permeable pavements to improve climate resiliency in South Africa.
Kevern has authored over 140 journal articles, papers, and reports and has been an invited presenter over 200 times at U.S. and international conferences.
He received his doctoral degree from Iowa State University.