Mark H. Wayne, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, director of application technology and engineering with Tensar International, a division of Commercial Metals Corporation and based in Alpharetta, Georgia, has been named a fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
Wayne has over 30 years of experience in geotechnical and geosynthetic engineering. He has also published and presented numerous papers on geosynthetics among other engineering topics. Wayne has authored more than 100 technical papers for scientific journals, geotechnical magazines, and conference proceeding worldwide.
He currently serves as chair of the ASCE G-I Geosynthetics Committee, and is the mechanical properties subcommittee chair of geosynthetics, Committee D35, for the American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM). He is also an active member of the Deep Foundations Institute and the International Standards Organization (ISO).
Wayne is a licensed professional engineer in seven states. He received his bachelor, master’s, and doctoral degrees in civil engineering from Drexel University in Philadelphia.