Steve Matheny, P.E., F.ASCE, a business development engineer with Logan Clay Products Co. and the current president of ASCE’s Southeastern Branch, has been named a fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
Matheny joined Logan Clay in 2016 after more than 30 years in the civil engineering industry. He has authored several papers and articles for the trenchless industry regarding the Pilot Tube Method of Guided Boring (PTM) and is currently one of the authors of the ASCE/Utilities Engineering and Surveying Institute (UESI)’s MOP 117: Manual of Practice on Installation of Pipe.
He has consulted and been involved with multiple projects using the PTM, and has written several papers and conducted several presentations for the North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT). As part of the Midwest Society of Trenchless Technology (a chapter of NASTT), he is committed to advancing both his own technical skills and the use of trenchless techniques for utility installation.
Matheny has been a member of the ASCE Southeastern Branch for over 30 years. He characterizes his experiences with ASCE in this way:
I'm proud of my consistent, active involvement in ASCE starting with my time in college. I have always volunteered with ASCE to help lead my Section and Branch. From leading a committee to my current role as President of the Southeastern Branch, I have mentored students, organized programs, site tours, award committees, organized Student Night, and have been on my Branch's Board for the past six years.
He regularly provides design and installation workshops for contractors, inspectors, and engineers, and he is currently consulting on numerous PTM projects throughout the Midwest and East Coast.
He is also a current board member of ASTM and has been a part of MSTT’s board since 2017.
Matheny’s bachelor and master degrees in civil engineering are from Wayne State University. He is professionally registered in the state of Michigan.