Region 3 Governor Official Nominee

Vision statement
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is a wonderful and vibrant organization. I am proud to have been an active member for nearly 3 decades, beginning as a student member at the University of Minnesota in the early 1990s. I am seeking re-election to the Region 3 Board of Governors in 2023. My Vision for Region 3 will involve my support for the Society and its members in the following areas:
- Public Policy Advocacy – ASCE should remain the leading voice on infrastructure public policy at the local, state, and federal levels, with the general public and elected officials all across the political spectrum.
- Networking – ASCE Region 3 should continue to connect professionals across the Region at events such as the Region Assembly.
- Engagement – Every Region 3 local unit and their members should be engaged and active in ASCE and their community.
I am asking for your help and your vote so that I can continue to advocate for these issues at the Region Level. Thank you.
Biographical statement
- Bachelor of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota (U of M)
- Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
Certification and licenses
- Professional Engineer in the following states: IN, MI, MN, ND, NE, NJ, and WI
Work experience
- TKDA, 2018-present
- Meyer Borgman Johnson, 1999-2018
- M3 Engineering and Technology, 1995-1999
ASCE involvement
Society level
- Region 3 Board of Governors, 2020-2023
- ASCE National Legislative Fly-in (9 times)
- ASCE 7-16 Code Committee, corresponding member, 2013-2016
Local level
- ASCE Minnesota Statewide Report Card
- Duluth Area Media Release Event Chair, 2022
- Ports Chapter Author, 2018
- ASCE Twin Ports Area Report Card Chair, 2018
- ASCE Duluth Section Board
- Member, 2008-2013
- President, 2011-2012
- GR Chair, 2013-2020
- ASCE Student Practitioner Advisor
- University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD), 2009-2011
- U of M, 2004-2005
- ASCE Minnesota Section YMG
- Board, 2001-2005
- President, 2004-2005
Other volunteer activities
- ACEC-MN, Guest Lecturer, Fundamentals of Engineering Series, 2006-2016
- UMD Guest Lecturer “Intro to Civil Engineering” class, 2014-2018
- U of M Capstone Design class mentor, 2004-2005
- Named Fellow of ASCE, June 2019
- Modern Steel Construction, “Structuring Science,” August 2007