Elected Region 6 Governor

Vision statement
The greatest ideas are good ideas which have been shared with others. As a Region Governor, I will seek to understand and listen for successful practices within the Region and share these ideas with local. The Region Governors serve the Sections by helping to inform and foster communication between Sections so that good ideas can be shared, so that challenges are met with proven solutions, and the Society Strategic Plan is coherently and cohesively implemented. The Governors also carry the needs of the Section to Society, which helps inform and shape Society initiatives. The student conference realignment and initiation of a Region-wide Student Symposium in 2022 was a big change, and as Region Governor, I will continue to promote Oklahoma Section involvement in this Region-wide event. I believe in celebrating Civil Engineers, and I believe ASCE Region 6 can help celebrate the engineering communities in Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico by encouraging nominations for Society-level awards, as well as highlighting the accomplishments of Section and Branch leaders throughout the Region. ASCE involvement has helped to shape my career, and I am excited about promoting great ideas within the region.
Biographical statement
- BS in Civil Engineering & Literature Minor, Missouri University of Science & Technology (formerly UMR), 1998-2003
Certification and licenses
- Licensed Professional Engineer
- Kansas, 2007-present
- Oklahoma, 2018-present
- Texas, 2019-present
Work experience
- HNTB Corporation, Oklahoma City
- Section Manager, 2017-present
- HNTB Corporation, Kansas City
- Project Manager, 2015-2017
- Sr. Project Engineer, 2013-2015
- Project Engineer, 2010-2013
- Transportation Engineer, 2003-2010
ASCE involvement
Society level
- Corresponding Member, Committee on Developing Leaders, 2022-present
Local level
- Region 6 Governor (OK), 2020-present
- Region 6 Student Symposium Competition Judge, 2022
- Oklahoma City Branch member, 2017-present
- Kansas City Section
- Past-President Advisory Board, 2012-2015
- President, 2011-2012
- Board, 2006-2011
- Younger Member President, 2005-2006
- Younger Member Board, 2004-2005
Other volunteer activities
- Crossings Community Church, Edmond OK, Creative Arts Team, Present
- Adopt-a-Highway, Present
- Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, Present
- American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Oklahoma, Leadership for Engineers, Class of 2018
- Restore Community Church, Kanas City, Leadership Advisory Team, 2017
- Kansas City Section of ASCE Engineer of the Year, 2014