University of Cincinnati BRIDGE THE GAP Student Competition Presented by: The Architectural Engineering Institute of ASCE

University of Cincinnati Bridge The Gap Founder Molly D. Denton, Electrical Engineer, Fishbeck, Inc.


AEI Bridge the Gap logo
The Inaugural AEI Bridge The Gap Student Competition will take place on April 8th at the AEI 2024 Forum: Imagine Modular | Advancing Integrative Design in San Jose, California.

Design Charette at AEI Forum - 'Bridge the Gap'

'Bridge the Gap' Student Competition is an on-the-spot, 2-1/2 hour long, engaging and fun design event for AEI students at the Forum event. Following a tour of a state-of-the-art modular construction facility, participating students will be organized into small groups with their own professional mentors to address a building-design challenge. Teams can choose one of three categories of design:

  • Building massing and planning, or
  • Building systems, or
  • Detailed design of one space.

Each student in the design-teams will get the opportunity to try out a technical role of their choosing for the day. Stepping into the role of architect, various design-engineers or construction manager, they will collaborate with their student-team and their professional mentors in a multi-disciplinary design approach. Final posters by each team will be judged by a select jury. Top AE design solutions in each category will receive recognition and prizes during the following days of the Forum event.

Important Dates

  • Individual Registration Opens December 8, 2023
  • Individual Registration Closes February 7 2024
  • Bridge the Gap Event April 8, 2024