Molly Denton, EIT, LEED GA Electrical Engineer, Fishbeck | AEI Bridge the Gap Founder

Molly Denton 

Molly Denton is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati’s College of Engineering and Applied Science and Lindner College of Business. As an architectural engineering student, she served many roles in her school’s chapter of Architectural Engineering Institute including Secretary, Vice President, President, and Bridge the Gap Chair.

Upon entering her presidency in 2021, she looked for ways that she could reconnect students after many semesters of online classes. With the help of the UC AEI executive team, she developed Bridge the Gap to educate students about effective collaboration in the workplace.

Inspired by her dad from a young age to “try on the jacket,” Ms. Denton constantly considered what she wanted to be when she grew up. Bridge the Gap shares her father’s advice with others by allowing students to immerse themselves in industry roles through an informal design challenge. The event highlights the abilities of architectural engineering students to fill any role they choose, and it encourages students of any educational background to try something new.

Ms. Denton shares, “Trying on the jacket means walking the walk and talking the talk. Go out on internships and job-shadows and live that life for a day. Sometimes you try on a jacket that’s the right size, color, and style you are looking for, but it just doesn’t feel right. That’s a perfectly valid reason to change careers. No need to feel down about it – just means it’s time to try on another jacket!”

In 2022, Ms. Denton led UC’s first Bridge the Gap Committee in hosting their second event. Upon graduation in 2023, Denton took an advisory role in which she mentored the newest committee, made up of students who had participated in previous Bridge the Gap events. Ms. Denton’s vision and spirit remind students that they are capable of more than they may think and encourages members of the architectural engineering community to work together to create a more collaborative tomorrow.