Armin W. Stuedlein is a licensed professional engineer and Professor of Geotechnical Engineering in the School of Civil and Construction Engineering at Oregon State University. Armin received his MS and PhD in geotechnical engineering from Syracuse University (2003) and the University of Washington (2008), respectively. He joined OSU in 2009 after consulting on port and harbor and transportation infrastructure projects with an emphasis on foundation and earthquake engineering. His research has been published in over 80 peer-reviewed journal publications and 40 conference papers, and focuses on ground improvement and liquefaction mitigation, in-situ and laboratory-based testing for liquefaction and cyclic softening, experimental and numerical investigations of soil-structure interaction, and probabilistic geotechnical analyses. He is the Vice Chair of the ICSMGE Technical Committee 304 Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment and Management, Vice Chair for the ASCE G-I Soil Improvement Committee, Editor of the ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering and Journal of the Deep Foundations Institute, and EBM for Georisk and the Canadian Geotechnical Journal. Professor Stuedlein received the 2013 Deep Foundations Institute Young Professor Award, the 2015 JGGE Associate Editor of the Year Award, and the 2017 ASTM Award for Outstanding Article on the Practice of Geotechnical Testing, among others.
Armin W. Stuedlein, Ph.D., PE, M.ASCE

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