Chris D. Bahner is a senior hydraulic engineer with WEST Consultants with over 22 years of experience in water resources and hydraulic engineering. His areas of technical expertise are hydraulics, hydraulic design, geomorphology, and sediment transport.
He has worked on a wide range of projects involving delineation of flood hazard areas, evaluation of potential flooding impacts, design of hydraulic structures, hydrologic and hydraulic engineering design, and hydraulic modeling. He also has experience evaluating the stability of fluvial systems including conducting qualitative and quantitative geomorphology evaluations, aggradations/degradation analyses using empirical equations and sediment transport models, channel migration assessments, local scour assessments, design of stable channels, and design of grade control and bank protection measures.
Prior to WEST, he worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on several large flood control projects. Mr. Bahner earned his B.S. in Civil Engineering and M.S. in Water Resource Engineering from California State University of Long Beach.