Dan Walker is a Senior Geologist with EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. (PBC) and also serves as the Associate Director of the Center for Technology and Systems Management within the U. of Maryland’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. With a PhD degree in geology from the University of Tennessee, Dr. Walker has been involved with strategic planning and management of state and federal science for nearly 30 years. During an eleven-year tenure, Dr. Walker directed 19 National Academy studies over a range of topics from coastal and ocean science, water resource management, oil spill impacts and response, to the national security implications of environmental and climate information, eventually being named a National Academies’ Scholar in 2006.
Dr. Walker is a frequent speaker at climate and ocean policy meetings and panels and is an active member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). In addition to being a founding member and Chair of ASCE’s Committee on Adaptation to a Changing Climate (CACC), Dan also serves as Co-Chair of the ASCE NOAA Task Force on Climate Resilience in Engineering Practice and represents CACC on ASCE’s Sustainability Technical Committee.