John A. Christ, Ph.D., P.E., ENV SP, joined S&B Christ Consulting in 2018 as the Las Vegas Division Manager and a Senior Project Manager after serving for 23 years in the US Air Force and retiring as a Colonel. His final role before retirement was Department Chair and Permanent Professor for Civil and Environmental Engineering at the US Air Force Academy. As an Air Force Officer, John served predominantly in civil and environmental engineering roles at numerous locations in the US and abroad. John holds BS, MS and PHD degrees in civil and environmental engineering. Since earning his PhD from the University of Michigan in 2005, he has continued research on the fate, transport, and remediation of recalcitrant compounds in the subsurface. He has co-authored over 30 peer-reviewed publications and nearly 70 technical abstracts and presentations resulting in over 1,200 citations. He has served as co-principal investigator on numerous research projects funded by DOD and NSF, two of which were selected as the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) project of the year. He continues to volunteer with NCEES on the Environment and Water Resources committee of the Professional Engineer’s Exam development committee. As a senior PM with SBCC, he has managed design projects ranging from a 300 GPM groundwater well, to a Land Use Control Remedial Design, to a new 12-story Air Traffic Control Tower and Airfield Lighting Vault.
John A. Christ, Ph.D., P.E., ENV SP

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