Maria Chrysochoou earned her B.Sc. in Physics at Aristotle University in Greece, M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering at the Dresden Polytechnic University in Germany and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. She has been an Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Connecticut since 2007. The main thrust of her expertise involves the geotechnical and geo-environmental characterization of soil, waste, industrial by-products and complex media, focusing on non-destructive and spectroscopic techniques. Current research initiatives involve the investigation of embankment stabilization methods under high loads, in situ treatment of chromium contaminated soils, brownfield redevelopment policies, application of spectroscopic techniques in construction materials and waste combination and material recycling approaches in geo-environmental applications.
Maria Chrysochoou, Ph.D, M.ASCE

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