Michael Adams is a research geotechnical engineer with the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA's) Office of Infrastructure R&D in McLean, VA. As a member of the Bridge and Foundation Engineering Team at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, he manages the agency's geotechnical research program. Michael has 20 years-experience in conducting geotechnical research. His primary focus areas are geosynthetic reinforced soil technologies, bridge foundations, instrumentation and load testing methodologies. Michael has authored and co-authored many research reports, conference papers, magazine articles, and journal papers on these topics. Michael is an author of the FHWA Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil - Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS) Interim Implementation Guide, which provides design and construction guidance. He is also a member of the deployment team for the technology as part of the "Every Day Counts" initiative promoted by the FHWA.
Michael is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh. He is a 2008 Engineering News Record Top 25 Newsmaker and a recipient of a 2009 Nova Award for construction innovation in the development of the GRS-IBS.
Michael Adams

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