Saman Farzi Sizkow is a Ph.D. Candidate, at Southern Methodist University, working under the supervision of Dr. Usama El Shamy. His areas of interest include geotechnical earthquake engineering, soil-structure interaction, soil liquefaction, discrete element modelling and computational fluid dynamics. His research has been mainly focused on utilizing a coupled smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)-discrete element method (DEM) scheme to analyze the dynamic response of fairly complicated saturated geotechnical systems. He has applied this technique to a variety of geotechnical problems, including liquefaction of saturated loose sand, lateral spreading of mildly sloping ground, flow failure of liquefiable sand layers overlain by impermeable crusts, and liquefaction mitigation using gravel drains. He has published several articles in well-respected geotechnical journals in addition to multiple conference papers and presentations. He has also been working as a teacher assistant since 2019 and helping undergraduate students in various courses such as soil mechanics and computational methods for engineering applications.
Saman Farzi Sizkow

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