2024 president-elect

Vision statement
Transformation is an action word and indeed, ASCE is in the midst of great change under our new Strategic Plan. With a deliberate focus on serving our membership in refined and more powerful ways, we are realigning and restructuring many of our activities. We are not walking away from our core strengths and successes but rather using them as the solid foundation for more support of that which makes us an essential and vital resource to each member and prospective member, trusted partner and society. My unique personal and professional experiences, locally, nationally and internationally, in innovation, professional practice, public service and organizational delivery provides me with the foundation to lead at an important time like this.
My vision incorporates ensuring that the decisions made in every facet of the organization are coordinated to maximize the effectiveness and impact of implementing the plan. We have new opportunities and other activities that have run their course. So where would I begin?
Maximizing the Effectiveness of the Strategic Plan
When such a plan is implemented, there should always be a follow-up assessment and an honest effort for continuous improvement. We are in an exciting period of initial implementation, with steps incorporated in the realignment of activities and investments to be more productive for our membership. As we developed our next Fiscal Year budget, we used a three year look ahead to make sure with each step we are moving every business unit and action into strengthening our commitment to our members through the Plan. We must get better at elevating the functions and activities that provide the most value. It also requires the conviction to walk away from some of the “nice to have” or the “we always done that” actions that are truly not serving the organization and its members well. I have the courage and the conviction to lead those efforts.
Drawing from all Corners
With participation as a student and young professional decades ago, a great deal of other professional growth and a desire to serve my profession, I became an Institute committee chair, then Council Chair and eventually served as President of the Transportation and Development Institute. I was honored to then be elected and served as a a Technical Regional Director and ASCE Board member. Most recently I was re-appointed to serve a second term as Treasurer. I aspire to ensure that every civil engineer, technician, or allied professional finds their path as early as possible and along their journey to derive maximum benefit from their affiliation with ASCE.
I have served as President of another professional association while also running and growing a highly successful consulting firm and raising three children During those years, I also served as an elected official in a city of more than 30,000 and owned a neighborhood bistro to serve my community in multiple ways. I have seen and experienced how much representation matters. I have also worked across North America, in Europe and Asia. So it is with all these perspectives and all of my life experiences that I want to bring high energy to this leadership role ensuring that YOU, our member, has your voice and your needs are heard.
Given the great value that each member and potential member brings to this organization, we must ensure that we look at everything we do through multi-dimensional, multi-perspective lenses. Representation will never be perfect on any single activity, but an honest effort to get broad-based input and participation will serve us well. We must recognize that for many of us we are at the beginning of this journey to understand and effect change. We must provide on-going training opportunities so that we improve our ability to connect and serve our increasingly diverse membership and communities thoughtfully and appropriately. This is not something limited to a committee but must be a mindset and an activity of the whole. This will bolster the long-term sustainability of the organization and the world we serve.
Transforming Education and Attracting Talent
We are in an extraordinary time of focus on infrastructure, and it has highlighted the need for more smart, talented and hard-working individuals to join our profession. Our value to the members must compel engagement as a student, a young professional and for the rest of one’s career. We must be vigilant in leading an effort to transform the education of new civil engineers so their skills are relevant now and are future ready. We must keep training and certifications for practicing engineers current and engaging. Filling a broader pipeline and keeping it from leaking must be a focal point of targeted organizational activities and looking for effective ways to work from elementary school through college, trade schools and associated professions is required. Informed by our JEDI activities, we must ensure that all feel welcome and know they belong.
How do we turn the fun that often defines the early years into a bright future – building on or transforming the traditional competitions is part of this toolkit. Just as importantly, we must use these opportunities to win the loyalty and engagement of students and young people for a lifetime of participation in ASCE. One’s time with ASCE should not end with concrete canoe or steel bridge! We are in a new era of transitioning students to full membership but have much work to do to retain those new members. My commitment is to help find the key to that connection.
As one who has navigated the engineering world for more than four decades, having started when women were almost invisible, I am excited about the opportunity to bring all the lessons learned to lead ASCE during this revolutionary time.
Biographical statement
- Ph. D. candidate, University of Georgia, College of Environment and Design, 2019 to present, graduation May 2024
- Master of Arts in Civil Engineering, Princeton University, 1979
- Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Princeton University, 1978
- Master of Science in Transportation Planning and Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1975
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1973
Certification and licenses
- Envision™ Certified Sustainability Professional (since 2013)
- Envision™ Certified Sustainability Trainer (since 2014)
- AICP (American Institute of Certified Planners (since 2009)
- Certificate of Achievement (105 credit hours) Carl Vinson Institute of Government
Work experience
- City of Atlanta, Department of Transportation – Interim Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner for Engineering, Commissioner Emeritus, 2022 to present.
- MARTA (Metropolitan Atlanta Regional Transportation Authority) – Assistant General Manager, Capital Program Delivery, 2019-2022
- Gateway85 Community Improvement District, Executive Director, 2016 – 2019
- Stantec (following acquisition of Street Smarts), Senior Principal for Transportation and Executive Director for Netweaving, 2010 – 2016
- Street Smarts, President and Founder, 1990 – 2010
- Data Smarts, President and Founder, 1993-2010
- Texas Transportation Institute Research Scientist 2003-2012
- Teens in the Drivers Seat Program (GA) 2007-2014
- The RBA Group, Transportation Engineer, 1985-1990
ASCE involvement
Society level
- Program and Finance Committee 2019, 2021 to present and Treasurer (2021-present);
- Committee on Professional Advancement, Board Liaison (2021 – 2022)
- Board Task Committee to Resolve Certification (2021 – 2022)
- Board of Direction (2018-2020);
- Member of Young Member Task Force, 2020
- Government Engineer Council Task Force, 2019
- New Revenue Generation Task Force, 2021
- Technical Region Board of Governors, Director (2018-2020)
- International Conference on Transportation and Development, Atlanta 2024, Co-chair
- Contributor: Assessment of Resilience in Codes, Standards, Regulations, and Best Practices for Buildings and Infrastructure Systems for National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Construction Institute Student Days, 2018, 2019
- Green Streets, Highways and Development Conference 2013, Organizing & Steering Committee Chair
- T&DI Awards Committee 2013, Chair
- Facilitator, Leadership Workshop, MRLC 2010, 2012
- Facilitator, Young Member (YM) Roundtable, MRLC 2010, 2012
- T&DI Past President 2010-2011
- T&DI President 2009-2010
- T&DI Vice President 2008-2009
- Technical Region Board of Governors Treasurer 2007-2008
- Technical Executive Committee Representative to the Board of Governors 2005-2008
- T&DI Operations and Safety Council Chair 2004-2006
- T&DI Academy of Transportation and Development Professionals Steering committee, 2016
- Speaker, ASCE Annual Meeting, July 2013 and Convention 2015
- 2012 ASCE Convention Design Charette
- Committee on Critical Infrastructure, 2013-2015 (Vice Chair)
- Infrastructure Resilience Division 2014 – 2016 (Vice Chair)
- T&DI Nominating Committee Member 2004-2005
- Urban Goods Movement Committee 1984-1991
Local level
- Georgia Infrastructure Report Card, Transit section chair (2019)
- Georgia Section T&DI chapter, co-founder, 2010
Other volunteer activities
- City of Duluth, Georgia, City Council (2006 – 2022). Mayor Pro Tempore 3 terms
- Atlanta Region Transit Link Board (2018-2019) – Inaugural Board member and Chair, Regional Technology Committee Chair
- Georgia Gwinnett College, Board of Trustees (2014 – present)
- Georgia Institute of Technology, Endowed Mentor and Mentee program in Women in Engineering (2009), Advisory Board (2012-2014); Introduce a Girl to Engineering program (2005-present)
- University of Florida Transportation Institute Advisory Board (2013-present)
- Institute of Transportation Engineers, President 1994 (First Woman), Leadership ITE Steering Committee Chair 2015-2017, Legislative and Policy Committee Chair, Transportation Planners Council Chair, Technical Council Design Dept Chair, Chapter Author for Transportation Planning Handbook and Manual of Transportation Engineering Studies
- Transportation Research Board (1975-present); NCHRP Panel member, Committee Chair, Women’s Issues in Transportation (1997-2015), Other committee memberships: Freight Transportation Data, Transportation Data and Information Systems, Urban Goods Movement
- Society of Women Engineers, Representative to Aviation Museum, Symposium on Women in Science and Engineering, Mentor
- Speaker and Industry (Stantec) Representative for White House Forum on Women in Leadership in Transportation/US Department of Transportation, May 2013
- WTS (Women’s Transportation Seminar) International Board (2012-2014, Treasurer; 2014-2016 Director)
- ACEC Georgia (American Council of Engineering Companies) Board member 2008-2016.
- Urban Land Institute mTAP projects for Five Points (Transit Station) Transformation
- Scouts of America, Exploring Engineering Academy/STEM Academy (2009-present)
- 2023 Project of the Year Award Recipient – Cheshire Bridge Road Emergency Bridge Replacement
- William H. Wisely Civil Engineering Award (ASCE 2016)
- Theodore M. Matson Memorial Award (ITE 2019)
- WTS Woman of the Year (Georgia, 2022 and International, 2023)
- ITE, Transportation Professional of the Year (GA, 2017); Renamed Young Member award to the Marsha Anderson Bomar Young Member of the Year Award (2015)
- Gwinnett Clean and Beautiful Green Leader of the Decade 2015
- WTS Diversity Award (2012)
- Jane F. Garvey Transportation Leadership Award (2009)
- Herman J. Hoose Distinguished Service Award (ITE Southern District 2008)
- Burton Marsh Distinguished Lifetime Service Award (ITE 2003) – First Woman
- Princeton University School of Engineering Distinguished Alumnae (1994) – First Woman
- ASCE Transportation and Development Institute Panel on Sustainable Transportation- Transit as a Key to Sustainable Transportation and Communities – March 2021
- Infraday speaker: Panel: State of the Market – A Capital Planners Perspective on Biden’s Infrastructure Bill, 2021
- ITE Talks Transportation Podcast on Professional Development - 2019
- ASCE Plot Points Podcast on Creatives in Engineering – 2019
- ASCE Plot Points Podcast on Engineers as Elected Officials – 2020
- ASCE Thursdays@Three on Civil Engineers and Covid-19 -2020
- ASCE Transportation and Development Institute Leadership Summit -2020
- ASCE Thursdays@Three on Leadership- 2019
- Georgia ITE Summer Seminar – Five Points Transformation - 2020
- Exploring Engineering Academy/STEM Academy – MARTA and Capital Programs – June 2020
- ASCE Plot Points Podcast – Transit: Lessons Learned in Covid – Sept 2020
- ASCE VTech (Virtual Technical Conference) – Transit: Resilience in Infrastructure Sept 2020
- From Field to Functional Facilities: Demonstration, Training and Research for the Reduction of Non-point Source Pollution. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Campus Rainworks Challenge. UGA Team D12, 2020
- Five Points Transformation - A Study of the History of the Five Points Station: Historical Journey, Opportunities, Challenges and a Vision for the Future >>>> on LinkedIn – Dec 2019
- Five Points Transformation Sustainability Analysis – Using Envision™ to Guide Design Decisions – May 2020
- Better Solutions are Found in Asking Different Questions, published in the ITE Journal, September 2019 pp 33-35
- Sustainability in Site Development Roundtable Presentation at ICSC Law Conference, October 2013
- Transit Safety and Security: Technology Responses to the Challenges, presented at the International Conference on Urban Transport Systems, Paris France, November 2013.
- Featured as Extraordinary Woman Engineer in ASCE publication entitled, Changing Our World, True Stories of Women Engineers, by Sybil E. Hatch, Copyright 2006, (page 88)