Nomination Deadline:  November 1st

In January 2024, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Construction Institute (CI), in partnership with the Del E. Webb School of Construction at Arizona State University, established the CI Award for the Advancement of Women in Construction to recognize construction faculty members who have: 1. demonstrated excellence in construction education, research, and service, and 2. provided extraordinary support and leadership which has advanced opportunities for women pursuing careers in the construction industry.

The award shall consist of:

  • Custom medallion inscribed with the name of the recipient
  • $2,500 honorarium 
  • Complimentary Registration to CI & CRC Joint Conference (for the award acceptance) 

Winner will be notified by the end January.

The characteristics taken into consideration for this award include:

  • Strong evidence of service and support for female students that resulted in the advancement of women in the construction profession;
  • Demonstrated impact and success through construction-related teaching and research; and
  • Hold national or international reputation in the construction field and be known for service and leadership to the community of construction academia.

Recent Winners

Dulcy Abraham, Purdue University

2024 - Dulcy Abraham, Purdue University


  1. Nominee must be a member of ASCE.
  2. Nominee must be full-time “construction” faculty member within a civil engineering, construction management, construction engineering, or related administrative unit.
  3. Nominees of any sex are encouraged to apply.
  4. Self-nominations are accepted.  Nominations will include professional references who can speak to nominees’ accomplishments.
  5. The award shall be made not more than annually when, in the judgment of the award committee, suitable candidates are available. No more than 1 recipient will be named in any year, and no recipient may receive the award more than once.
  6. Nominee may not serve on the deciding award committee.


To nominate, please complete nomination form.

See more CI Awards