Craig T. Maske is the Director of Storm Water and GIS Services for IDS Engineering Group, in Houston, Texas. He has more than 20 years of experience, including permitting and developing military, industrial, municipal and private construction projects, the preparation and review of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) for construction projects and industrial facilities, the preparation of municipal Storm Water Management Programs (SWMPs), outfall mapping and storm water sampling requirements for NPDES permits, and experience in storm water litigation. Craig has co-authored a chapter with Roy D. Dodson, entitled Regulation of Stormwater Collection Systems in the United States for the Stormwater Collection Systems Design Handbook published by McGraw-Hill.
Craig is a member of the Texas Floodplain Management Association. For over 10 years Mr. Maske has been a primary instructor for ASCE's 2-day courses entitled NPDES Storm Water Permit Compliance. He has presented this seminar in more than 30 cities nationwide as well as to local government and private clients. He is a registered professional engineering in Texas and Missouri.