On-Demand Course

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Finley A. Charney, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE F.SEI
William L. Coulbourne, P.E., F.SEI, F.ASCE

Purpose and Background

The course will cover the basics of wind engineering including the provisions for design presented in ASCE 7-16. The basics include important information about wind climatology, the interaction of wind with objects attached to the earth's surface, and how building shapes affect the wind pressures experienced by buildings. The elements of the wind hazard will be discussed including how the wind maps are developed and how engineers can determine site-specific wind speeds when the hazard is not defined by a map. The wind pressure differences between the building frame and components and cladding will be discussed to improve understanding of the important design issues for both the frame and components. Wind tunnel testing is covered from an introductory perspective. Extreme wind hazards such as tornadoes will also be covered as presented in ASCE 7. The course includes a practical example of determining wind loads on structures using various methods provided in ASCE 7-16.

Benefits and Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the elements of wind storms that affect wind design pressures and why some types of storms are more damaging to buildings than other types.
  • Apply the wind design provisions of ASCE 7 for several different building shapes.
  • Explain the wind hazard maps and on-line tools to determine a site-specific wind speed at any location in the country.
  • Estimate the wind hazard in a location where wind speeds are not mapped.
  • Apply building shape factors from several sources to accurately determine exterior pressure coefficients.
  • Apply ASCE 7 provisions for components and cladding to be able to accurately determine design pressures for several different component and cladding conditions.
  • List the basic concepts of wind tunnel testing, and the different types of tests that are available.
  • Explain the wind engineering resources available to the practicing structural engineer that supplement the ASCE 7 provisions.
  • Describe a comprehensive example of determination of wind loads on a structure using the static methods in ASCE 7, and using results from a wind tunnel test.
  • Explain the current state of the practice for determining wind pressures caused by tornadoes.

Assessment of Learning Outcomes

Achievement of the learning outcomes by attendees will be assessed through (3) exams.

Who Should Attend?

  • Structural engineers (early to mid-career or beginning to design in high wind regions)
  • Product manufacturers of high wind products
  • Forensics engineering specialists
  • Building officials
  • University professors and graduate students

How to Earn your CEUs/PDHs

This course is worth 2.4 CEUs/24 PDHs. To receive your certificate of completion, you will need to complete (3) exams and receive a passing score of 70% or higher.

How do I convert CEUs to PDHs?

1.0 CEU = 10 PDHs [Example: 0.1 CEU = 1 PDH]

Course Outline

Week 1: An Introduction to Surveying Engineering
Course Introduction & Week Introduction
Davenport chain
Chain - climate
Chain - boundary layer
Chain - aerodynamics and wind tunnel
Chain - codes and standards
Components and cladding and non-building structures
Tornado and PBDWE
Learning Exercise

Week 2: Wind Climate
Storm types
Wind data recorded - weather service
Averaging times
Learning Exercise - Wind speed averaging using Durst curve
Hazard curves
Wind speed direction and wind roses
Development of maps
Implementation of ASCE 7 and Map utilities
Learning Exercise - Using wind speed map utilities

Week 3: Special Wind Topics
How to find wind speeds in special wind regions
Learning Exercise - Wind speed up and topography
Hawaii, Puerto Rico wind map development
Wind Speed Up and Topography
What is wind-borne debris
Building protection in wind-borne debris regions
Implementation of ASCE 7
Learning Exercise - Selecting wind-borne debris protection

Week 4: Boundary Layer
Influence of Roughness
Influence of Local Terrain (Exposure)
Wind Speed Profiles
Learning Exercise - Theoretical exercises
Real Wind Speed Records
Implementation in ASCE 7
Learning Exercise - Practical exercices
Exam: Weeks 1-4

Week 5: Aerodynamics Part 1
Bluff Body Aerodynamics
Bernouli’s Law
Development of positive and negative pressures
Learning Exercise - Theoretical exercises
Pressure Coefficients (Theory)
Pressure Coefficients (Examples)
Implementation in ASCE 7
Learning Exercise - Practical exercises

Week 6: Aerodynamics Part 2
Vortex shedding
Wind Tunnel Testing Overview
Types of Wind Tunnel Testing
Learning Exercise Theoretical exercises
Scaling of Wind Tunnel Test Results
ASCE 7 and ASCE 49 Requirements
Example Wind Tunnel Test
Learning Exercise – Case study 1

Week 7: Dynamic Response
Intro to Building Dynamics, EOM
Wind loads and Wind Spectra
Estimation Building Frequency
Learning Exercise - Theoretical exercise
Estimating Building Damping
Computing Dynamic Response
Implementation in ASCE 7 via Gust effect factor limitations
Learning Exercise - Practical exercise

Week 8: Building Codes and Standards
ASCE 7 and IBC and IRC
WFCM, ICC 600, AISI, and other standards
Differences between standards
Application of Engineering Standards
Chapter 29 other structures
Connection between Risk Categories and wind speeds
Risk Category and Material Types
Exam: Weeks 4-8

Week 9: Example
Description of Example Problem
Determining Risk Category and design wind speed V
Determining exposure category (B, C, or D)
Learning Exercise - Theoretical exercise
Determining factors Kz, Kzt, Kd, Ke
Determining the Gust Effect Factor
Determining the internal and external pressures, and the wind loads on the MWFRS
Learning Exercise - Practical exercise

Week 10: Example – Component and Cladding Design Pressures
What are C&C - background
How pressures develop for C&C
Finding pressure coefficients for C&C
Learning Exercise
Calculating wind pressures for C&C
How to design for elements that may be both – MWFRS and C&C
Finding components and cladding in the marketplace that meet wind pressure requirements
Learning Exercise

Week 11: Tornado Design
Tornado wind climate and wind speeds
Differences between tornado and hurricane winds
Designing to resist collapse
Learning Exercise
Designing to protect property
Implementation of ASCE 7 wind provisions for tornadoes
Tornado shelter designs
Learning Exercise Tornado Shelter Design Case Study

Week 12: Performance Based Wind Engineering
Purpose and Overview of the Prestandard
Chapters 3 (Risk Category)
and 4 (Performance Objectives)
Chapter 5: Wind Demand Characterization
Learning Exercise - Prestandard Questions
Modeling and Analysis
Performance Criteria for the MWFRS
Learning Exercise - Case study 2
Exam: Weeks 9-12