ASCE has honored Tian-Jian Hsu, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE, with the 2021 Hans Albert Einstein Award for his pioneering contributions to fundamental cohesive and noncohesive sediment transport mechanics and development of open-source two-phase and multiphase numerical models for estuarine, coastal, and waterway environments.

Hsu is a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Delaware and serves as director for its Center for Applied Coastal Research. He has made pioneering contributions to the fundamental understanding of cohesive and noncohesive sediment transport mechanisms. He is also recognized for efforts in developing physics-based community models for multiphase flows.

Hsu has authored and co-authored more than 60 archive journal publications as well as encyclopedia article and two book chapters. The quality of all his work is excellent and addresses a wide range of sedimentation and erosion research challenges. In the past decade, Hsu has actively developed an excellent research program that focuses on studying various aspects of sediment transport and turbulent mixing in coastal environments.

The Hans Albert Einstein Award is given to a member who has made a significant contribution to the engineering profession in the area of erosion control, sedimentation, and/or waterway development either in teaching, research, planning, design, or management.
