MariaAngélica Deeb, P.E., F.ASCE, the transportation projects coordinator for the City of Mesa (Arizona), has been named a fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
Deeb has been employed with the City of Mesa since 2005, having worked at the Arizona Department of Transportation for five years prior. Her passion is to develop and implement projects and programs that help achieve the goal of reducing inequities and address unsafe conditions across our transportation systems and the communities they affect. Currently she is developing strategies that focus on the principles and elements that make up the FHWA’s Safe System approach.
She is active in the newly formed Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee at The Institute of Transportation Engineers Mountain District and is also working with the ASCE Phoenix Branch Sustainability Committee.
She has also published two papers: “More Work for State DOTs” (The Arizona Civil Engineer, May 2015) and “Qualification of Soft Costs of the U.S. Federal Guidance When Considering Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Effects of Climate Change in NEPA Reviews,” a paper published at the 2015 Environmental Economics Conference, in Shanghai, China.
Deeb participates in Toastmasters and is an area director as well as a candidate to be a Division A director.
She is a licensed civil engineer in the country of Colombia and in Arizona, and she obtained her PTOE certification in 2022. She studied at Arizona State University and achieved the graduate degrees of master of science in construction management, master of environmental and urban planning, and master in public administration, plus various certificates.