Civil Engineering magazine May/June 2021

The interior of New York City’s former Tammany Hall was replaced with a modern concrete structure topped by dome that honors the Lenape.
Turtle-inspired dome tops former Tammany Hall
The $2.3-billion Berryessa extension project overcame site challenges to bring heavy-rail passenger trains to Northern California’s Santa Clara County.
Transit project extends rail to Silicon Valley
As the pandemic wanes, the architecture, engineering, and construction market will embark on a K-shaped recovery.
2021 AEC forecast: Up or down
More goods can move faster across – and under – a cable-stayed bridge at one of the nation’s busiest ports.
New bridge boosts capacity from Port of Long Beach
Airport officials at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport coupled two types of deflection tests to assess the condition of one of its runways.
Running deflection testing in tandem optimized an airport runway assessment