November/December 2021

Civil Engineering magazine November/December 2021

Younger engineers explore the relationship between the built environment and social justice. They say civil engineers can and must do more.
What does infrastructure have to do with social justice and equity?
The Greek Theatre in Los Angeles’ Griffith Park has been seismically retrofitted and historically rehabilitated to create a safer, updated venue.
Making a stronger, more modern amphitheater in Los Angeles
The transformation of Niagara Falls State Park tops the list while a Nevada pumping station, a New York bridge, and other noteworthy projects earn recognition.
Best of the best: 2021 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Awards
A comprehensive environmental restoration effort in North Texas has led to the rebirth of Willow Branch Creek.
North Texas creek reconfigured to follow nature's original design
More than a century old, Chicago’s Cook County Hospital has been preserved and renovated to host hotel space, medical offices, a museum, and other amenities.
How to add hospitality to an old Chicago hospital