Civil Engineering magazine November 2020

The Shed, New York City’s monumental new arts center, weighs roughly 8 million lbs yet easily rolls back and forth on enormous wheels and rails to turn a public plaza into a performance space.
Sculptural NYC arts center facade designed to move
Experts compared established projections with the actual damage from the blast at the Port of Beirut. How well did the predictions do?
Lessons learned in the Beirut blast
The Morandi Bridge was a vital transportation link in Genoa, Italy. When it collapsed, officials moved quickly. Its replacement, the Genoa-Saint George Bridge, has set new standards in efficiency.
Efficiency, speed the hallmarks of Genoa bridge replacement
ASCE’s Report Card for America’s Infrastructure and state assessments have had a lasting impact on the way politicians and policymakers address the nation’s critical infrastructure needs.
The ASCE Report Card advocates for infrastructure