Approved by the Transportation Policy Committee on February 13, 2024 
Approved by the Public Policy and Practice Committee on May 15, 2024
Adopted by the Board of Direction on July 18, 2024


For the continued safety of America's traveling public, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) advocates that a bridge safety program for both public and private bridges be fully funded and consistently operated to rehabilitate or replace structurally deficient bridges, preserve bridges and reduce the maintenance backlog, and plan for the large number of bridges that are approaching or exceeding their design life or, are deemed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) per their National Bridge Inventory (NBI) as “Poor”.  This program should preserve full functionality of all bridges to support the safe, reliable, and efficient operation of existing transportation systems, and to allow these systems to be utilized to their full capacity. The program as a minimum should include: 

  • Regular inspection and evaluation programs that incorporate state-of-the-art investigative and analytical techniques, especially of older bridges which were not designed and constructed to current design, loading, and geometric standards. 
  • Posting of weight and speed limits on bridges with load restrictions. 
  • Implementing and adequately funding regular, system-wide maintenance programs that are effective means of ensuring the safety and structural adequacy of existing bridges. 
  • Utilizing a comprehensive program for prioritizing and adequately funding the replacement or retrofit of structurally deficient federal, state, local, and private bridges as well as bridges that serve increased traffic or functions than originally designed.


Bridges identified as “Poor” may either be closed, or weight restricted due to deteriorating structural components. While not necessarily unsafe, these bridges must have limits imposed for speed and weight. Further, outdated bridges may have inadequate bridge widths, load carrying capacities, waterway openings and other design features that result in insufferable traffic disruptions. These restrictions not only contribute to traffic congestion, but also affect safe and efficient personal mobility and movement of goods and services. The restrictions may also result in such major inconveniences as taking lengthy detours and increased response times for emergency vehicles. Additionally, such deficiencies may adversely affect the performance of transportation systems during or in response to emergencies or disasters. 

Continued neglect will ultimately result in higher annual life-cycle costs of bridges due to shortened service life. Therefore, investments in maintenance and repair to improve the condition and functionality of the nation's bridges will reduce required investment in the future. As of 2023, 39% of all bridges are at least 54 years old, exceeding the typical design life of 50 years, signifying a surge in rehabilitation and replacement costs in the near future. 

Funding was made available from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) of 2021 and preceding transportation funding bills. The IIJA now appropriates $5.5 billion for the Bridge Formula Program under the Highway Infrastructure Program through 2026. Fortunately, many programs in the IIJA are already dedicated to improving existing assets, such as the Bridge Replacement, Rehabilitation, Preservation, Protection, and Construction Program, which will provide billions of dollars to states to rehabilitate and replace approximately 15,000 bridges most in need of repair across the country. This program is critical to ensuring that the overall number of poor bridges does not continue to rise as those bridges age. According to the Federal Highway Administration’s 2023 National Bridge Inventory, 42,404 of the nation's 621,581 bridges, or 6.8%, were structurally deficient, as compared to 7.5% of all bridges in 2021. Despite this improvement, progress has slowed in recent years and structurally deficient or outdated bridges on the nation's transportation systems continue to pose significant potential hazards which may jeopardize safe, reliable, and efficient operation. 

The most recent estimate from the American Road and Transportation Builders Association puts the repairs and rehabilitation project backlog for the nation’s bridges at $319 billion (2023 dollars). Additional funding beyond that level will therefore be needed to continue to reduce the backlog of structurally deficient bridges and prevent more bridges from becoming structurally deficient. 


The safety, functionality, and structural adequacy of bridges are key components necessary to support and ensure the safe, reliable, and efficient operation of transportation infrastructure and systems which provide mobility of people and movement of goods and services. This policy establishes the minimum bridge safety program components necessary for both public and private bridges to ensure an adequate and economical program for the inspection, evaluation, maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement of our nation's bridges. 

ASCE Policy Statement 208  
First Approved in 1977