Approved by the Energy, Environment, and Water Policy Committee on December 20, 2023 
Approved by the Public Policy and Practice Committee on February 28, 2024
Adopted by the Board of Direction on July 18, 2024


The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) supports:

  • The careful and well-designed management of atmospheric water (also known as “weather modification” or “cloud seeding”) to enhance water supply, reduce agricultural and structural hail damage, and to disperse certain types of fog. 
  • Sustained funding and infrastructure for atmospheric water management data collection, research and operational programs, and the scientific evaluations of such efforts, including the assessment of extra-area and long-term environmental effects, resulting in further adjustments and designs.
  • Dissemination of the results and findings of all atmospheric water management programs and projects to the professional community, water managers, and the public via publication of study results in peer-reviewed scientific journals.


Atmospheric water management capabilities are built on over seven decades of science and engineering practices that continue to be developed. Programs designed to enhance winter and summer precipitation for agriculture, municipal, hydroelectric generation, and recreational use are the only current means to potentially augment precipitation over natural precipitation amounts. Some studies suggest that hailstone sizes can be reduced through cloud seeding leading to less damage to crops or property. Longer-term commitments to atmospheric water management research and development could lead to better operational programs. Continual improvement is necessary to realize the full potential of this combined science and technology approach to operational program design.


Water resources worldwide are being stressed by competing demands generated by population growth and environmental concerns. Changing climate is accompanied by world-wide alterations in precipitation patterns. As a result, regions have become more sensitive to year-to-year variations in natural precipitation. Well-designed management of atmospheric water offers the potential to enhance naturally occurring water resources essential to agricultural and water supply needs, while minimizing capital expenditures or construction of new facilities. Other programs have been designed and operated to reduce the impacts of hail on property and agriculture and the dispersal of certain types of fog. ASCE, in conjunction with weather modification organizations, has developed materials providing guidelines and standards in the use of atmospheric water-management technology for dissemination to the private sector and all levels of government worldwide to ensure best practices. These publications can be found at

This policy has worldwide application
ASCE Policy Statement 275
First Approved in 1980