Approved by the Energy, Environment, and Water Policy Committee on February 20, 2024
Approved by the Public Policy Committee on May 1, 2024
Adopted by the Board of Direction on July 18, 2024


The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) recommends that national, state, and local governments develop and implement policies and plans for pollution control with a comprehensive, multisource, (e.g., air, soil, water, and biotic) and holistic perspective consistent with the principles of sustainable development.


ASCE recognizes that management methods directed at pollution originating in a single air, land, water, or biotic resource may result in residuals of that pollution being directed into another resource. Thus, to be most effective, pollution control must be viewed from a broad multisource perspective, with control strategies implemented to minimize adverse effects to all the resources through which pollutants may move or react.

Single resource environmental management strategies that have traditionally been used are based on the practice of solving a single problem (e.g., reducing water pollution) using solutions that may protect that resource at the expense of another (e.g., increasing air pollution). A multifactor or comprehensive management philosophy recognizes that environmental impacts arising from pollution problems are not confined to a single resource and that tradeoffs exist between the uses of the various resources.


Pollutants cannot be controlled effectively unless it is known how they are transported, accumulated among resources, and transformed. Comprehensive pollution management approaches integrates control of air, water, land, and biotic pollution by implementing more holistic solutions that better reflect the underlying nature of a complex environment.

Comprehensive pollution management emphasizes the development and use of regulations as well as processes and methods that result in the least adverse impact on the environment, and often cross existing regulatory agency and departmental boundaries. Therefore, this policy statement is directed at seeking the broadest possible viewpoint, agency cooperation, and appropriate management perspective to deal effectively with problems of environmental pollution.

This policy has worldwide application 
ASCE Policy Statement 362 
First Approved in 1990