Dr. Brooks has gained impressive experience in geotechnical and arctic engineering for her short nine years of professional engineering practice, and this is only the beginning. She is employed with BGC Engineering Inc. and is licensed in Alaska as a Professional Engineer. Dr. Brooks is a specialist in geotechnical and permafrost risk analysis, foundation engineering in permafrost and non-permafrost environments, wave equation analysis of driven piles, thermal modeling of permafrost, Inertial Measurement Unit data analysis for geohazards and secondary laboratory testing.
Dr. Brooks has co-authored articles/papers, provided oral presentations, and received the Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN), Pavel I. Malnikov Award for best Engineering Presentation at XI ICOP, Potsdam, Germany. She also serves as a reviewer for the ASCE Journal of Cold Regions Engineering and Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering.
Dr. Brooks is an active member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and currently serves as Chair of the Committee on Technical Advancement and is a member of the Executive Committee of ASCE’s Cold Regions Engineering Division. Dr. Brooks is also a member of the Canadian Geotechnical Society, Canadian Permafrost Association, and Geotechnical Business Association.
ASCE would like to recognize and thank Dr. Heather Brooks for her service to the profession, the American Society of Civil Engineers, and the Cold Regions Engineering Division.