Coasts, Oceans, Ports & Rivers Institute (COPRI)
Advancing the practice of coastal, ocean, port, waterways, riverine and wetlands engineering for the benefit of society.
Created in 2000, the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute (COPRI) is a semi-autonomous institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the country's oldest national engineering society. COPRI's services are designed to complement ASCE's traditional civil engineering base and to attract non-engineering allied professionals who seek to enhance their professional and technical development.
New and notable
Your contribution, with those of your colleagues, will strengthen COPRI efforts to...
The Port Engineering Certificate Program provides professional engineers in-demand skills used in the field of port engineering.
Dredging and Dredged Material Placement provides a comprehensive overview of the current...

Waterfront Facilities Inspection and Assessment
Waterfront Inspection Task Committee; Edited by Ronald E. Heffron, P.E.
Supplies engineers with guidelines and tools for inspecting and evaluating the condition of waterfront structures located in seawater and freshwater environments. Inspections are essential to an effective waterfront facility management program that ensures public safety, reliable service, environmental protection, and reduced maintenance costs. Because distress to a waterfront structure may not be recognizable from above water, the inspection must include an assessment of the extent and severity of deterioration from above and underwater.
COPRI Publications
Find more COPRI publications in the ASCE Library in the following topics:

Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
The Journal is an ideal choice for the publication and dissemination of archival contributions dealing with topics including dredging, floods, sediment transport, tides, wind waves and storm surge, tsunamis, climate change, rising sea level, extreme weather events and other hazards that affect shorelines, waterways, estuaries, and ports and harbors, as well as efforts to mitigate the impact of such hazards.
Port Engineering Certificate Program
This course will provide a general background in port engineering.
The main objective of this course is to introduce young professionals to the construction practices used widely for ports and harbors.
This course will provide a fundamental understanding of how containerized commerce drives container terminal operations, and how those operations drive infrastructure.