Structural Engineering Institute (SEI)
SEI members are changing the world!
We are 30,000 members strong working to improve every aspect of the structural engineering profession. If you are passionate about structural engineering, you have found your home. All are welcome to our SEI community.
Get Involved
More than 100 SEI committees produce SEI programs, publications, conferences, and continuing education.
Access SEI student benefits to discover all the benefits and resources.
Donate to the SEI Futures Fund and help advance the future of structural engineering.
Learn about SEI's Local Chapters and Graduate Student Chapters.

Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange Forum
Come join the discussion about ASCE Standards! The Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange is a new ASCE Collaborate forum to discuss technical issues about ASCE standards. Dive into your technical area with questions and issues with your community. Members can ask and answer questions. Nonmembers will have view-only capability.
Collaborative Reporting for Safer Structures US

CROSS-US was established by SEI in 2019, as a new region in a growing international network of CROSS regions. CROSS-US helps professionals to make structures safer by publishing safety information based on reports that we receive and information in the public domain. Our secure and confidential safety reporting system allows professionals to share their experiences to help others. Learn more and sign up for the CROSS-US Newsletter.
SE 2050
In December 2019 the SEI Board of Governors endorsed the vision of the SE 2050 Challenge by stating:
"We, the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), support the vision and ambition of the SE 2050 Challenge. We, as a leading structural engineering organization in the United States, recognize the need for coordinated action across our profession to achieve the globally stated goal of net-zero carbon by 2050."
The mission of the SE 2050 Commitment is to support the SE 2050 Challenge and transform the practice of structural engineering in a way that is holistic, firm-wide, project-based, and data-driven. By prioritizing the reduction of embodied carbon, through the use of less and/or less impactful structural materials, participating firms can more easily work toward net-zero embodied carbon structural systems by 2050.
Join SEI as a Sustaining Organization Member
- Show your support for SEI to advance and serve the profession
- Increase your visibility and exposure in the structural engineering community via www.asce.org/SEI with SEI members year-round
- Demonstrate your commitment to excellence in structural engineering
Any organization that supports the mission and objectives of SEI can join as a Sustaining Organization Member and receive:
- Recognition with organization logo/link on SEI Membership web page, annually in communications including SEI Update enews, STRUCTURE magazine, in SEI annual meeting and at conferences, etc.
- Use of SEI Sustaining Organization Member logo
- Option to receive SEI Sustaining Organization Member framed certificate
- Those that exhibit at SEI conferences receive preferred booth placement and recognition in the program guide.
SEI Elite Sustaining Organization Members additionally receive recognition with organization logo/link at www.asce.org/SEI 2 months/year, and each month in SEI Update enews.
Become an SEI Sustaining Organization Member Now!
Select from:
- Elite Sustaining Level – Annual Dues: $4,000
- Sustaining Level – Annual Dues: $2,000
SEI Sustaining Organization Membership does not include SEI individual membership benefits such as member rates on products, etc.