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Technical publications are available in many formats including print books, electronic books, and interactive tools.

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Frost Action in Soils

Frost Action in Soils

Frost Action in Soils: Fundamentals and Mitigation in a Changing Climate presents the challenges of cold regions engineering in a changing climate, as well as the current practices and state-of-the-art tools for addressing them.

Congress on Technical Advancement 2017: Construction and Forensic Engineering

Congress on Technical Advancement 2017

Selected papers from the First Congress on Technical Advancement, held in Duluth, Minnesota, September 10–13, 2017. This collection contains 17 peer-reviewed papers on forensics and construction engineering.

Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange Forum logo

Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange Forum

Come join the discussion about ASCE Standards! The Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange is a new ASCE Collaborate forum to discuss technical issues about ASCE standards. Dive into your technical area with questions and issues with your community. Members can ask and answer questions. Nonmembers will have view-only capability.

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