Forensic Engineering Division
Forensic engineering is the application of engineering principles to the investigation of failures or other performance problems.
Forensic engineering also involves testimony on the findings of these investigations before a court of law.
“Three Minutes” Failure Case Study Competition
Three finalists of the student competition will win free registrations for the ASCE 10th Forensic Engineering Congress and will present their case studies during the award luncheon on Sunday November 3, 2024 to compete for cash prizes.
Finalists will be announced October 10, 2024.
10th Forensic Engineering Congress
Seattle, Washington
Elevating Forensic Engineering
Collaborative Reporting for Safer Structures US
Collaborative Reporting for Structural Safety – CROSS US provides reports and information to make structures safer, and is committed to advancing safety practices through collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Review the latest structural safety reports from CROSS US, UK, and abroad at Collaborative Reporting for Safer Structures US (CROSS-US) (