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Student Competition

“Three Minutes” Failure Case Study Competition

Three finalists of the student competition will win free registrations for the ASCE 10th Forensic Engineering Congress and will present their case studies during the award luncheon on Sunday November 3, 2024 to compete for cash prizes.

Finalists will be announced October 10, 2024.

Forensic Engineering 2018

Forensic Engineering 2018

Proceedings of the Eighth Congress on Forensic Engineering, held in Austin, Texas, November 29-December 2, 2018. This collection contains 111 peer-reviewed papers on a wide array of forensic topics in the built environment, with some taking new approaches to historic failure events and others exploring new frontiers in forensic evaluation and analysis methods.

Forensic Engineering 2022 proceedings cover image

2022 Forensic Congress

Selected papers from the Ninth Congress on Forensic Engineering, held in Denver, Colorado, November 4-7, 2022.

This collection contains 123 peer-reviewed papers on a wide variety of forensic engineering subjects.

This proceedings will be of interest to forensic engineering practitioners, project and construction managers, architects, researchers, and designers to advance their understanding of performance failures and state-of-the-art investigative tools and procedures.

Investigation of Constructed Facilities: Sampling Methodologies

Investigation of Constructed Facilities: Sampling Methodologies

Investigation of Constructed Facilities: Sampling Methodologies provides an in-depth discussion of the relevance and reliability of sampling methods used in the investigation of constructed facilities.

Steel Structures: Considerations to Reduce Failures due to Instability

Steel Structures: Considerations to Reduce Failures due to Instability

Steel Structures: Considerations to Reduce Failures due to Instability provides a detailed overview of the issues associated with the instability of steel structures.

Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange Forum logo

Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange Forum

Come join the discussion about ASCE Standards! The Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange is a new ASCE Collaborate forum to discuss technical issues about ASCE standards. Dive into your technical area with questions and issues with your community. Members can ask and answer questions. Nonmembers will have view-only capability.

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