UESI Conferences & Events
Attend our events to expand your knowledge base and enhance the success of your projects; network with your peers, potential clients, sponsors, and project team leads to discuss shared problems and solutions; earn Professional Development Hours (PDHs); and hear from some of the most influential leaders in the industry.
UESI Surveying & Geomatics Conferences
This biennial conference for professional surveyors, engineers, and academics, practicing and researching in professional surveying and geomatics, discusses the latest industry knowledge with regards to Utility Surveying and Revitalization Projects; Remote Sensing Applications; Geodetic Control and Unmanned Aircraft Systems; Utility and Subsurface Surveying; and Infrastructure, Utility and Subsurface Surveying. Plans for the 2026 Conference will be announced soon.
UESI Pipelines Conferences
The upcoming Pipelines conference will be August 9–13, 2025 in Tampa, Florida. The conference will provide a forum for pipeline engineers and practitioners from all around the world to share their experiences in meeting the challenges of today's pipeline infrastructure. This premier industry event has become the conference of choice for utility and pipeline owners, design and consulting engineers, contractors, manufacturers, suppliers, students, educators, researchers, and pipeline professionals. The conference will also include surveying as it relates to pipeline and utility projects.