On Tuesday, May 30 a number of ASCE members were invited to ASCE headquarters in Reston, VA to attend a workshop and discussion on engineering methods for precipitation under a changing climate.
The following presentations were given. Afterwards attendees gathered for a discussion and to begin work on a technical report.
Outline of the Problem (PDF)
Presenter: Rolf Olsen, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Practicing Engineers and the Issue of Changing Climate (PDF)
Presenters: Mathini Sreetharan, Jason Giovannettone, Dewberry
Do Record Storm Events Produce Floods of the Same Magnitude?
Presenter: Miguel Medina, Duke University (emeritus)
Transportation: HEC-17: Highways in the River Environment - Floodplains, Extreme Events, Risk, and Resilience (PDF)
Presenter: Roger Kilgore, Kilgore Consulting and Management
Structural Standards and Precipitation (PDF)
Presenter: Eun Cha, University of Illinois (Could not attend and present, but presentation is available online)
Hydrologic Design under Nonstationarity (PDF)
Presenter: Jayantha (Obey) Obeysekera, South Florida Water Management District
Engineering Planning under Uncertainty (PDF)
Presenter: Laurna Kaatz, Denver Water
Impact of Non-Stationary Climate Conditions on Extreme Precipitation Frequency Estimates Needed for Engineering Design (PDF)
Presenter: Sanja Perica, NOAA National Weather Service
Trends in Flood Frequency (PDF)
Presenter: Stacey Archfield, U.S. Geological Survey
Precipitation Extremes under Climate Change (PDF)
Presenter: Paul O'Gorman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Estimating Uncertainty in Climate Projections (PDF)
Presenter: Lawrence Buja, National Center for Atmospheric Research