Giving thanks
This is the time of year many of us gather in different settings and reflect, and one of the
things I’m most thankful for is the great work our ASCE and T&DI civil engineers
contribute each year volunteering on the local, state and national level.
We know first-hand the joys of our profession as well as the way our work touches so
many parts of our communities. Please consider sharing your knowledge and
experiences with others or expanding your existing efforts. We’re all busy, and adding
another meeting or commitment can be daunting, but don’t forget the tremendous sense
of accomplishment you feel once the work is done. And, if your personal ability to
volunteer is maxed out, don’t forget the benefit of sharing ideas and opportunities with
other civil engineers you know, either in your agency, company, or university or in your
greater community.
So, what can you do? The list of opportunities and range of items is almost endless.
For starters you can help support the civil engineering community by one of these
options (found on our ASCE website):
- Get involved with your local section or branch activities
- Lead a DEI best practices initiative for your section or branch
- Support student chapters
- Volunteer at a student symposium
- Find or become a mentor
In addition, our ASCE website has many more ways you can become involved in
community, regional and national efforts. It can range from helping elementary school
children learn what engineering is all about at your local school, submitting papers for
conferences, influencing legislation or even joining our national board. Please take a
moment to explore all the possibilities and see what might work within your own
schedule and skills.
I have much to be thankful this year and high on the list is the incredible support,
knowledge and fellowship I draw from all of you. Thank you for your efforts and I hope
that you also find some time this fall and winter to reflect on the blessings in your own
Thank you,

Roger M. Millar, Jr., P.E., F.AICP, F.ASCE
President, Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)