Are you working on a UESI Manual of Practice? Here is some important information about how UESI Manuals of Practice (MOP) are written, reviewed and approved for publication. Download the publishing process chart (PDF).


While you are writing the MOP, keep track of figures, charts, images, and other items with the Permissions Inventory form. Retain all emails or other documents giving you permission to use figures, charts, and images. These will be submitted with your final manuscript.

Blue Ribbon Panel

Once the book is complete, a Blue Ribbon Panel (BRP) is created to review the technical content.

The BRP should be using this form from the start of their review to record the issues that they have with the document and the Task Committee’s responses. The Division ExCom will use this form while considering if this manual should be published to determine if the BRP process was followed.

At the same time the Blue Ribbon Panel starts it work, submit a clean copy of the manuscript, permissions inventory, and documentation of permissions to Susan Reid so that ASCE Publications can do a pre-check on the manuscript. This will streamline the publishing timeline.

Submitting for publication

The Division ExCom for your committee needs to vote on approval before the document can be submitted to ASCE Publications. Submit the following to UESI staff for distribution to your ExCom: 

Once your division ExCom gives their approval for publishing, submit the following to UESI staff for distribution to ASCE Publications: