Investigation of the Internal Structure Consistency of Asphalt Mixtures in Accelerated Discrete Element Models
Michigan Technological University
Improvement of fundamental understanding of asphalt mixture internal structures.
Develop numerical models with discrete element method (DEM) based on aggregate morphology database.

The performance of asphalt mixtures is significantly impacted by its internal structures. The numerical models based on DEM have the ability to deploy detailed investigation into the internal structures and stress/strain distribution.
The application of DEM simulation in asphalt mixtures created a new approach for fundamental investigation on mixture structures, which cannot be accomplished by traditional test methods. The results of numerical simulation improved the understanding of asphalt mixture design, mesostructure formation, and mechanical characteristics.
- The core invocation is the techniques of capturing aggregates morphologies, building numerical models of asphalt mixtures, and performing mechanical tests.
Current members
- Xiaodong Zhou
- Dongzhao Jin
- Hongfu Liu
- Tiankai Che
- Juan Deng
Recent graduates
- Siyu Chen
- Dongdong Ge
- Lingyun You
- Xu Yang
- Yu Liu
- Sanjeev Adhikari
- Huiming Yin, PhD, PE, Professor Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University Director of NSF IUCRC Center for Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems @ Columbia Site
Funding Agencies
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ)
- Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
- Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)