Jianming Ma, Ph.D., P.E., PMP, M.ASCE, has been selected by T&DI’s Board of Governors as the Official Nominee for the 4-year position on the Board of Governors, commencing October 1, 2024. Additional nominees for the 4-year position on T&DI’s Board of Governors may be submitted through a petition process, the details of which are provided below.
About Jianming Ma
Dr. Jianming Ma is the Director of the Traffic Safety Division’s Traffic Management Section at the Texas Department of Transportation, overseeing the development of statewide traffic management programs, including Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Traffic Signals, Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO), and Traffic Incident Management (TIM). With over twenty-nine years of progressive experience in research, contract management, project and program management, traffic engineering, traffic management, and traffic safety, Dr. Ma has a proven track record of establishing operational optimization, developing high-performing teams, and improving processes and procedures. He has published about 50 technical papers and reports in the area of ITS, traffic safety, connected and automated vehicles, and traffic engineering. Dr. Ma is a member of the ASCE T&DI Board of Governors and the founding co-chair of the ASCE T&DI Connected & Autonomous Vehicle Impacts Committee. He is also a member of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Human Factors of Infrastructure Design and Operations (ACH40), and the TRB Committee on Traffic Signal Systems (ACP25). Dr. Ma is the Immediate Past President of the Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA) and the research development and implementation coordinator for the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Committee on Transportation System Operations. He currently represents the U.S. on the Road Network Operations/ITS Technical Committee of the World Road Association (PIARC). Dr. Ma has been invited to serve on numerous research panels such as TxDOT, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), the Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP2), AASHTO CAV Working Group, Cooperative and Automated Transportation Coalition, and the CV Pooled Fund Study (CV PFS). Dr. Ma serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Safety Research and has also served as Associate Editor for the 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.