Are you receiving your complimentary EMI monthly eNewsletter?

If you’re a member of EMI and are not currently receiving the EMI eNewsletter, you can receive your copy by following these steps:

1. Allow emails from [email protected].
2. Log into your ASCE/EMI account at
3. Click on the 'Login' button on the top right.
4. This should take you to the 'My Contact Information' page.
5. On left side menu, under 'Communication', click on 'Communication Preferences'.
6. This takes you to the 'Opt In/Opt Out' page.
7. Under 'Email Communication’ click on 'Email Preference Management'.
8.  Select 'EMI Newsletter'.
9. Check the ‘Email Consent’ box.
10. Then click ‘Submit Your Email Preferences’ at the bottom of the page to ensure that you are subscribed to the newsletter.

And now you’re all set.
Let us know if you have any questions at [email protected].