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What is Stormwater?

A resource, a nuisance, a supplier of water to rivers and aquifers - stormwater is an integral part of the hydrologic cycle. Understanding water movement in the watershed, addressing regulatory requirements, designing treatment systems to protect aquatic habitat and drinking water sources, and improving storm resiliency by reducing flood risks are fundamental activities of water resources professionals. Explore here the resources that ASCE-EWRI has available to help the water-resources professional address stormwater challenges either by topic area or through the use of a toolkit to answer a specific question.

Oklahoma City

International Low Impact Development Conference

August 6-9, 2023

The International Low Impact Development Conference highlights interdisciplinary practice, research, and implementation of Low Impact Development, Green Infrastructure, Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems and Water Sensitive Urban Designs. The focus will be on using our past and present understanding of LID to tune management programs, design practice, and operation and maintenance into the future.

Learn more!
South Platte Flood

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