Collaborative Reporting for Structural Safety – US (CROSS-US), an entity of SEI, helps professionals make structures safer by publishing safety information based on reports it receives and information in the public domain. CROSS-US’s Executive Committee (ExCom) seeks volunteers to serve as Members or Corresponding Members on one of its three subcommittees:

CROSS-US visibility development Subcommittee

  • Expand the audiences who should know about and participate in CROSS-US.
  • Develop methods for disseminating information:
    • Conferences
    • Webinars
    • Presentations
    • Articles and interviews
    • Continuing educational programs

Report submission and development Subcommittee

  • In conjunction with the Visibility Development expand the audiences who should know about and participate in CROSS-US, as all these audiences are potential report submitters.
  • Promote the use of the CROSS-US database as an educational tool and portal to educators and practitioners alike, demonstrating the value of report information and providing a pathway for additional report submissions.
  • Make the process of submitting a report to CROSS-US as simple and straightforward as possible through a variety of social media postings, simple guidelines, and/or instructional videos.

Leadership and volunteer development Subcommittee

  • Expand leadership and volunteer resources to enable robust growth of CROSS-US over the next five years.
  • Plan for long-term succession and engage younger members.
  • Achieve diversity in leadership and volunteering.
  • Involve individuals of broader backgrounds.
  • Engage key stakeholders and potential sponsors.

It is anticipated that each subcommittee will meet on-line approximately monthly, and that members and corresponding members will do a modest amount of task and preparatory work between meetings. Selection criteria include (1) ability and interest to commit to CROSS-US’s and the subcommittee’s mission, (2) ability to collaborate effectively in groups, and (3) strong oral and written communication skills.

To apply, state your interest in which particular committee, indicate your response to selection criteria above, and provide a brief bio including current member #, educational background, professional experience, other related activity with SEI/ASCE or other organizations, and direct to Suzanne Fisher at [email protected] for CROSS-US ExCom consideration. Call for members will be open until positions are filled.